Monday, December 29, 2008

Almost 2009...

Hi Everyone!

I've been home on break since Dec. 13th but it feels like my vacation has just begun... First I was stressed until I got my final grades back (A,A,A,A-), then my Aunt got married, then it was Christmas (busy with a divorced family), doctors appointment, dentist appointment, hair appointment tomorrow, and then it will be New Years Eve! Oh, and since my mom is back from SF for good, we're moving into a new place on the 5th...

I had the most amazing Christmas...Santa came to my Nana and Grampy's house this year so my mother and I went there on Christmas morning to open presents. After tearing open a million beautifully wrapped silver and green packages which contained a Kate Spade bag, clothes, books, and a new laptop, we all sat down to a hearty breakfast and sipped orange juice through candy cane silly straws!

I love being able to sleep in and read leisurely, however, I must admit the geek in me is looking forward to my new classes! I'll be taking design lab, PR2, World lit, and Women in American Politics...hooray! Classes start on the 12th... I think...

Until next time,

Kayla :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

One More Day...

I'm down to one final project - building a website for programming :/ It's actually coming together nicely, slowly...but surely... I'm creating a community service website called "Keys to Kindness" so if you have any suggestions about different non-profit organizations I may not be aware of, leave a comment!

After we wrap up the book-drive tomorrow afternoon I'll just be packing and leaving on Saturday morning! It has been such a tense and restless week, it's hard to believe it will all be over by tomorrow... on my list of things to do over break are: work-out everyday except Sunday, read the 6th and 7th Harry Potter books (before the movies come out!), write essays for summer programs, and learn how to snowboard! I'm psyched...

I'll be back in January,

Kayla :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

That was fast...

My last class of the semester just ended, I can't believe it! As it turns out, difficult classes with tons of work = semester over in the blink of an eye! I'm a little sad actually... because I'm getting old and my life is passing before me, but also because I may never have some of those great professors again and so many of my friends are studying abroad in the spring. That's not to say I'm not happy to have a month off though...

Last night the Admissions office treated the team of ambassadors to an "end of semester" dinner in the North End and it was a blast! We had cheesy garlic bread, calamari, bruschetta, chicken parm, and pesto tortellini... you name it...the food was delicious and the table of twenty got pretty rowdy. It was bittersweet, however, since six ambassadors will not be returning to the office in the spring. We will have new students in the office come January though and we're all excited to meet them...

So I spoke too soon about final exams -- I do have one. I thought I'd be done after all of my projects had been submitted, but on top of the final project for computer science we do have a cumulative test next Wednesday, yikes! I'll use Monday and Tuesday to study for it though so I'm not terribly worried about it. Once that is done, we'll wrap up the book drive on Friday and ship them off to Books for Africa; at which point I'll head home to NH!

Until next time,

Kayla :)

Suffolk University:

A Suffolk Student Living and Learning in Boston